I am not sure whether I am doing something wrong (probably yes) or there is a problem in Microsoft Excel.
I create a table as below
| Name | Value |
| Alex | 1.55 |
| Alex | -1.56 |
| Alex | 0.01 |
When I try to get sum of Value in a pivot the result is as below:
| Row Labels | Sum of Value |
| Alex | -8.67362E-18 |
| (blank) | |
| Grand Total | -8.67362E-18 |
I expect the [Sum of Value] to display 0 but it displays a non zero value(-8.67362E-18).
Thanks in advance
While this is normal behavior with floating point calculation, see https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/78113 and https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/214118, it is ugly however since it behaves different in pivot tables and normal excel sheets.
Formula in B5
As you see, result is 0.
Pivot table:
As you see, normal calculated sum is not 0. And no, pivot tables will not respect setting "Precision as Displayed".
What have I done?
Added a calculated field "Feld1", see https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Calculate-values-in-a-PivotTable-report-697406b6-ee20-4a39-acea-8128b5e904b8#bmcreate_a_formula, with formula:
=ROUND(Value, 8)
and used this for sum.