I'm written my first unit-test and I think it is too dependent on other modules and I'm not sure whether it's because:
- It's a complex test
- I've actually written an integration test or
- I have a problem in my design
I'll first say that although I have around 4 years of experience in development I never learned, nor were taught, automated testing.
I've just finished a major change in our DAL implementation, with Hibernate, and a colleague of mine suggested I write unit-tests for the new parts.
The main change was with respect to switching to the Session-per-Request pattern and the more constructive use of application transactions.
Because of the nature of the above change the unit-test begins at the point where a specific request arrives and begins a transaction and the test ends after the transaction ends and it checks whether the transaction performed the changes it was supposed to.
This one test involves initializing the following objects:
- In-memory DB- so that there will be data to work against.
- Initialize company logger- as method depends on it.
- Initialize a repository designed as a singleton-it is the function's gate to the DAL, but it also stores other things so it's a big object to create.
- Initialize the handler of requests which is also a singleton- this holds the method to be tested.
I think I've actually written an integration test, as I need to init the DB, Hibernate and the repository, but I'm not sure how I could've written it otherwise given the circumstances where the tested method uses all these objects for its action and I'm interested to see how the transaction handling performs (which is done on the tested method).
I'd appreciate all comments and thoughts and will gladly elaborate or clear things up if they are not clear enough.
P.S. The HibernateSessionFactory
is in-fact the commonly known HibernateUtil
from the Hibernate In Action
book, wrongly named for historical reasons.
public class AdminMessageRepositoryUpdaterTest {
private static WardId wardId;
private static EmployeeId employeeId;
private static WardId prevWardId;
private static EmployeeId prevEmployeeId;
public void testHandleEmployeeLoginToWard(){
AgentEmployeesWardsEngine agentEmployeesWardsEngine = new AgentEmployeesWardsEngine();
AgentEngine agentEngine = new AgentEngine();
//Remove all entries from AgentEmployeesWards table
for (Agent agent : agentEngine.findAll()){
HibernateSessionFactory.commitTransaction();//no need to try catch as this is done in a controlled environment
int i=0;
//build expectedSet
Set<AgentEmployeesWards> expectedMappingsToChangeSet = new HashSet<AgentEmployeesWards>();
//Mappings which should have ward updated
expectedMappingsToChangeSet.add(new AgentEmployeesWards(new AgentId(1).getValue(), employeeId.getValue(), prevWardId.getValue(), true, TimestampUtils.getTimestamp(), i++));
expectedMappingsToChangeSet.add(new AgentEmployeesWards(new AgentId(2).getValue(), employeeId.getValue(), prevWardId.getValue(), true, TimestampUtils.getTimestamp(), i++));
//Mappings which should have employee updated
expectedMappingsToChangeSet.add(new AgentEmployeesWards(new AgentId(3).getValue(), prevEmployeeId .getValue(), wardId.getValue(), false, TimestampUtils.getTimestamp(), i++));
expectedMappingsToChangeSet.add(new AgentEmployeesWards(new AgentId(4).getValue(), prevEmployeeId.getValue(), wardId.getValue(), false, TimestampUtils.getTimestamp(), i++));
//Prepare clean data for persistence
Set<AgentEmployeesWards> cleanSet = new HashSet<AgentEmployeesWards>(expectedMappingsToChangeSet);
//Mappings which should NOT have ward updated
cleanSet.add(new AgentEmployeesWards(new AgentId(5).getValue(), employeeId.getValue(), prevWardId.getValue(), false, TimestampUtils.getTimestamp(), i++));
cleanSet.add(new AgentEmployeesWards(new AgentId(6).getValue(), employeeId.getValue(), prevWardId.getValue(), false, TimestampUtils.getTimestamp(), i++));
//Mappings which should NOT have employee updated
cleanSet.add(new AgentEmployeesWards(new AgentId(7).getValue(), prevEmployeeId .getValue(), wardId.getValue(), true, TimestampUtils.getTimestamp(), i++));
cleanSet.add(new AgentEmployeesWards(new AgentId(8).getValue(), prevEmployeeId.getValue(), wardId.getValue(), true, TimestampUtils.getTimestamp(), i++));
for (AgentEmployeesWards agentEmployeesWards : cleanSet){
HibernateSessionFactory.commitTransaction();//no need to try catch as this is done in a controlled environment
//Close the session as to neutralize first-level-cache issues
//Perform the action so it can be tested
AdminMessageReposityUpdater.getInstance().handleEmployeeLoginToWard(employeeId, wardId, TimestampUtils.getTimestamp());
//Close the session as to neutralize first-level-cache issues
//Load actualSet from DAL
Set<AgentEmployeesWards> actualSet = new HashSet<AgentEmployeesWards>(agentEmployeesWardsEngine.findByPrimaryEmployeeId(employeeId));
//Prepare expected
Set<AgentEmployeesWards> expectedSet = new HashSet<AgentEmployeesWards>();
for (AgentEmployeesWards agentEmployeesWards : expectedMappingsToChangeSet){
//We need to copy as the wardId and employeeId are properties which comprise the equals method of the class and so
//they cannot be changed while in a Set
AgentEmployeesWards agentEmployeesWardsCopy = new AgentEmployeesWards(agentEmployeesWards);
if (agentEmployeesWardsCopy.isEmployeePrimary()){
//If this is a employee primary we want it to be updated to the new org-unit id
} else {
//Otherwise we want it to be updated to the new employee id
//Assert between actualSet and expectedSet
// Assert actual database table match expected table
assertEquals(expectedSet, actualSet);
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws SQLException,ClassNotFoundException{
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:MyCompany", "sa", "");
ConfigurationDAO configDAO = new ConfigurationDAO();
configDAO.attachDirty(new Configuration("All","Log", "Level", "Info",null));
configDAO.attachDirty(new Configuration("All","Log", "console", "True",null));
configDAO.attachDirty(new Configuration("All","Log", "File", "False",null));
Logger log = new Logger();
AdminEngine adminEngine = new AdminEngine();
EmployeeEngine employeeEngine = new EmployeeEngine();
Ward testWard = new Ward("testWard", 1, "Sales", -1, null);
wardId = new WardId(testWard.getId());
Ward prevWard = new Ward("prevWard", 1, "Finance", -1, null);
prevWardId = new WardId(prevWard.getId());
Employee testEmployee = new Employee("testEmployee", "test", null, "employee", "f", prevWardId.getValue(), null, false, true);
employeeId = new EmployeeId(testEmployee.getId());
Employee prevEmployee = new Employee("prevEmployee", "prev", null, "employee", "f", wardId.getValue(), null, false, true);
prevEmployeeId = new EmployeeId(prevEmployee.getId());
public static void tearDownAfterClass(){
AdminEngine adminEngine = new AdminEngine();
EmployeeEngine employeeEngine = new EmployeeEngine();