
Overriding Flask add_url_rule to route a specific

2019-07-13 08:02发布


I'm using the class-based views in Flask for creating a CRUD REST API and registering the routes using add_url_rule like so...

class GenericAPI(MethodView):
    def get(self, item_group, item_id):
    def post(self, item_group, item_id):

api_view = GenericAPI.as_view('apps_api')
app.add_url_rule('/api/<item_group>', defaults={'item_id': None},
                 view_func=api_view, methods=['GET',])
                 view_func=api_view, methods=['GET',])
                 view_func=api_view, methods=['POST',])
                 view_func=api_view, methods=['PUT',])
                 view_func=api_view, methods=['DELETE',])

It handles specific database tables based on item_group and entries using item_id. So if I have /api/person, it will list entries for the person table. Or if I have /api/equipment/2, it will retrieve the row with ID 2 in the equipment table. I have alot of these tasks and they all basically need CRUD only.

But what if I want to override my routing when I have some other URL like /api/analysis/summarize which theoretically would call to a function that does the on-the-fly work. Is there a way to do that?

Or is the only way extend my URLs to /api/db/person and /api/db/equipment/2 for one set of actions and /api/other_work_type for others?


You can register /api/analysis/summarize normally. Werkzeug/Flask sorts the rules by complexity (amount of variables), taking the simplest routes first.


def foo():
    return "Foo is special!"

def generic(name):
    return "Hello %s!" % name

Independent of the order you define the routes in.