In my Rails app have a default scope that looks like this:
default_scope order: 'external_updated_at DESC'
I have now upgraded to Rails 4 and, of course, I get the following deprecation warning "Calling #scope or #default_scope with a hash is deprecated. Please use a lambda containing a scope.". I have successfully converted my other scopes but I don't know what the syntax for default_scope should be. This doesn't work:
default_scope, -> { order: 'external_updated_at' }
Should be only:
class Ticket < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope -> { order(:external_updated_at) }
default_scope accept a block, lambda is necessary for scope(), because there are 2 parameters, name and block:
class Shirt < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :red, -> { where(color: 'red') }
This is what worked for me:
default_scope { order(:created_at => :desc) }
This also worked for me:
default_scope { order('created_at DESC') }
This worked from me (just for illustration with a where) because I came to this topic via the same problem.
default_scope { where(form: "WorkExperience") }
You can also use the lambda
keyword. This is useful for multiline blocks.
default_scope lambda {
order(external_updated_at: :desc)
which is equivalent to
default_scope -> { order(external_updated_at: :desc) }
default_scope { order(external_updated_at: :desc) }
This works for me in Rails 4
default_scope { order(external_updated_at: :desc) }
default_scope -> { order(created_at: :desc) }
Don't forget the ->
default_scope {
where(published: true)
Try This.