My Win32 program fails after an upgrade from OpenSSL 1.02f to 1.02g.
I made sure to reboot after the upgrade, and I have verified that the correct libeay32.dll
, libssl32.dll
, and ssleay32.dll
are in C:\Windows\SysWOW64
(and it does not help either if I copy them to my app directory).
lIOHandleSSL : TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL;
FWebBrokerBridge : TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge; // = class(TIdCustomHTTPServer)
FWebBrokerBridge := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(Self);
LIOHandleSSL := TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.Create(FWebBrokerBridge); // LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.method is sslvTLSv1
LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.CertFile := ...
LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := ...
LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.KeyFile := ...
LIOHandleSSL.OnGetPassword := HTTPSIOHandlerSSLOpenSSLGetPassword;
FWebBrokerBridge.IOHandler := LIOHandleSSL;
FWebBrokerBridge.Active := true;
The error is EIdOSSLCouldNotLoadSSLLibrary: Could not load SSL library
on the 'Active' statement.
What can be going on, and how to fix it?
It's a Delphi XE2 app, the Indy version is
FWIW Here is the OpenSSL 1.02g changelog
[Edited to add]
- We use this OpenSSL binary installer.
- I added the WhichFailedToLoad() function (from IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.pas
) and it returns the following string: SSLv2_method,SSLv2_server_method,SSLv2_client_method
- I have removed the description of my certificate files from this question. Ken White correctly remarked that the code is not at the stage yet where the certs are loaded