In the documentation for fit_generator() (docs: it says that the parameter use_multiprocessing accepts a bool that if set to True allows process-based threading.
It also says that the parameter workers is an integer that designates how many process to spin up if using process-based threading. Apparently it defaults to 1 (a single process based thread) and if set to 0 it will execute the generator on the main thread.
What I thought this meant was that if use_multiprocessing=True and workers > 0 (let's use 6 for an example) that it would spin up 6 processes running the generator independently. However, when I test this I think I must be misunderstanding something (see below).
My confusion arises from the fact that if I set use_multiprocessing to False and workers = 1 then in my task manager I can see that all 12 of my virtual cores are being utilized somewhat evenly and I am at about 50% CPU usage while training my model (for reference, I have an i7-8750H CPU with 6 cores that support virtualization and I have virtualization enabled in BIOS). If I increase the number of workers, the CPU usage goes to 100% and training is much faster. If I decrease the number of workers to 0 so that it runs on the main thread, I can see that all of my virtual cores are still being used, but it seems somewhat uneven and CPU usage is at about 36%.
Unfortunately, if I set multiprocessing = True, then I get a brokenpipe error. I have yet to fix this, but I'd like to better understand what I am trying to fix here.
If someone could please explain the difference between training with use_multiprocessing = True and use_multiprocessing = False, as well as when workers are = 0, 1, and >1 I would be very grateful. If it matters, I am using tensorflow (gpu version) as the backend for keras with python 3.6 in Spyder with the IPython Console.
My suspicion is that use_multiprocessing is actually enabling multiprocessing when True whereas workers>1 when use_multiprocessing=False is setting the number of threads, but that's just a guess.