I'm currently build an app that have a realtime list. the view of list as bellow picture:
This list will be updated realtime, when one of these actions is trigger:
- A message is updated, the updated_time will be changed
- Receive new message
- Receive unread status of message
So I want to sort this list base on two conditions:
- All unRead_message allways at the top
- All message should be sorted by updated_time DESC (newest first), except unread_message always in prioty.
The data of this list is controled by these reduceres:
export const data = createReducer(
[ CONVERSATIONS_RECEIVE ]: ( state, { conversations } ) => {
return reduce(
( memo, conversation ) => {
const { id } = conversation.data;
if ( memo === state ) {
memo = { ...memo };
memo[ id ] = conversation;
return memo;
[ RECEIVED_PENDING_MESSAGE ]: ( state, { data } ) => {
if ( !data || !data.conversation_id in state ) return state;
return update( state, {
[ data.conversation_id ]: { data: { $merge: { snippet: data.message, updated_time: data.created_time } } }
} )
[ RECEIVED_CONVERSATION_SEEN ]: ( state, { data } ) => {
if ( !data || !data.conversation_id in state ) return state;
return update( state, {
[ data.conversation_id ]: { data: { $merge: { seen: true } } }
} )
[ RECEIVED_CONVERSATION_UNSEEN ]: ( state, { data } ) => {
if ( !data || !data.conversation || !data.conversation.id in state ) return state;
return update( state, {
[ data.conversation.id ]: { data: { $merge: { seen: false } } }
} )
export function keys( state = [], action ) {
switch ( action.type ) {
if ( !action.conversations || !action.conversations.length ) return state;
return state.concat( action.conversations.map( conversation => conversation.data.id ) );
return state;
export default combineReducers( {
} );
The list data rendered by an array of keys:
and the data:
"data": {
"can_comment": false,
"can_hide": false,
"can_like": false,
"can_reply": true,
"can_reply_privately": false,
"comment_id": "",
"id": "hbiocjgwxpncbnja8a3rra4oke",
"is_hidden": false,
"is_private": false,
"last_seen_by": "ckj7mny56jrmir4df8h466uk7a",
"message": "",
"page_id": "1651651651651651",
"post_id": "",
"private_reply_conversation": "null",
"scoped_thread_key": "t_1221211454699392",
"seen": true,
"snippet": "