I've been trying to make a percent bar chart to show mortality of two species of tadpoles on three different backgrounds (for a camouflage study) My dataset is:
campanha fundo sobreviventes especie intactos percentsob
1 5 light 10 Bs 9 66.66667
2 5 mixed 8 Bs 5 53.33333
3 5 dark 8 Bs 8 53.33333
4 6 light 15 Bs 13 100.00000
5 6 mixed 15 Bs 11 100.00000
6 6 dark 14 Bs 11 93.33333
7 5 light 7 Sm 5 46.66667
8 5 mixed 10 Sm 9 66.66667
9 5 dark 12 Sm 10 80.00000
10 6 light 14 Sm 6 93.33333
11 6 mixed 14 Sm 6 93.33333
12 6 dark 15 Sm 9 100.00000
and my script is (file name=odonatapint, and 15 = total number of individuals used per trial):
ggplot(data=odonatapint,aes(x=fundo,y=percentsob,fill=especie)) +
geom_bar(method="mean",stat="identity",position="dodge") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("#999999", "#000000")) +
xlab("Background type (natural)") +
ylab("Tadpoles surviving (%)")
However I noticed the graph to show the highest value for each category instead of the mean (I tried to post the graph but I wasn't allowed because I just registered).
What should I do to fix it? And how can I add error bars after I get to display the mean value?