Is it possible to use EF Core FromSql to execute a stored procedure that has optional parameters?
I have been testing out a simple scenario to use as a template for updating old EF6 calls to EF Core calls. The test example I am using as a proof of concept:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestNullableParameters]
@addressId int = null,
@city nvarchar(100) = null,
@createdByUserId int
select * from CRM..Address a
where (@addressId is null or a.AddressId = @addressId)
and (@city is null or a.City like @city)
and a.CreatedByUserId = @createdByUserId
My test code that calls this proc:
public void TestNullableParameters()
var procName = "exec CRM..TestNullableParameters ";
var context = _testContainer.Resolve<CRM2Context>();
var addressId = new SqlParameter("@addressId", 182);
var createdByUserId = new SqlParameter("@createdByUserId", 1620);
var parameters = new[] {addressId, createdByUserId};
var result = context.Address.FromSql(procName, parameters).ToList();
This code does not work, as it states the procedure requires "@createdByUserId", which was not supplied -- it attempts to map createdByUserId to @city, and then has no value to map to @createdByUserId.
If I try to define a parameter @city with value null, it states that the procedure requires a non-null value for @city.
If I try to explicitly add a parameter list with only @addressId and @createdByUserId, it states that it is missing non-nullable @city.