I want to establish HBase cluster of 2 nodes. For that I first establish Hadoop setup. It works fine. Namenode, Secondary namenode, datanode, Jobtracker, Tasktracker, all are working, but when I configure for Hbase, Namenode stucks. It does not work now. Can you tell me why this happening?
My questions
- When hadoop is working, and over that when I configure Hbase. It only shows one machine available. But it have to show two machine available, on
. - When I stop all the services, then start all , by using commands,
. Then it shows, namenode is not working. Why ?
I tried a lot, but I didn't understand why this happening. I think there may be a issue of version. Because the 0.94.2 version of hbase is used by the tutorial, from where I learnt all these.
I followed link1 and link2.
Please help me. Looking for your kind response.
Some information
OS = centOS 5.5
Java = java version "1.6.0_23"
Hadoop = 1.0.3
Hbase = hbase-
xml configuration(hadoop) for master and slave are as follows,
xml configuration for hbase for master and slave are as follows
When I run following commands, sequentially,
Then, ./start-hbase.sh
,gives following output
[hadoop@jhamb bin]$ ./start-hbase.sh
hdmaster: starting zookeeper, logging to /usr/local/hbase-
hdslave: starting zookeeper, logging to /usr/local/hbase-
starting master, logging to /usr/local/hbase-
hdmaster: regionserver running as process 9551. Stop it first.
hdslave: regionserver running as process 5850. Stop it first.