
Move Search Filter to the MenuList

2019-07-12 22:46发布


We're migrating an application from Angular to React. This is a gradual, incremental replacement, so it's critical that the user experience does not change. We decided to go with react-select as our replacement for UI-Select. So I'm tasked with creating the implementation.

I've been able to replicate nearly all functionality so far, except some final styling and function on the control.

I am attempting to separate the inputValue filter from the root Control and move it into the MenuList. I realize that I can override both of these Components to customize this functionality. The first hurdle I've encountered is that I cannot add an Input control (any input control) to the MenuList and give it focus. Any 'click' action just bounces off.

I'm looking to create something sort of similar to what is seen in the Experimental popup example, while keeping my ValueContainer in the core control. Anyone have direction on how to go about this?