I am using Deep learning caffe framework for image classification.
I have coins with faces. Some of them are left directed some of them are right.
To classify them I am using common aproach - take weights and structure from pretrained ImageNet network that have already capture a lot of image patterns and train mostly the last layer to fit my training set.
But I have found that netowork does not works on this set: I have taken some coin for example leftdirected , generated horizontally flipped image for it and marked it as right sided.
For this set convolutional net gets ~50% accuracy, it is exactly random result.
I have also tried to train net on 2 images ( 2 flipped versions of "h" letter ). But with the same result - 50% . ( If I choose to diffetrent letters and train net on augemeneted dataset - i receive 100% accuracy very fast ) . But invariance to flipping brokes my classification.
My question is: is there exists some aproach that allowes me to use advantages of pretrained imagenet but broke somehow this invariance. And what layer on net make invariance possible.
I am using "caffe" for generating net based on this example approach: