I'm using email.Message class and gnupg library to:
1 - parse email string fetched from Twisted imap4 client.
2 - get the attached file, a .pgp
3 - decrypt it.
I can decrypt typical mail content, as:
Version: PGP 9
but the attachment affair is really making my life a hell.
Well, I tried a lot of different ways, but the most logical should be this:
message = email.message_from_string(content)
if message.is_multipart():
attachment = message.get_payload(1)
gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=settings.PGP_PATH)
return gpg.decrypt_file(attachment.get_payload(), passphrase=settings.PGP_PASSPH)
The attachment var first lines are:
From nobody Mon Oct 15 18:54:12 2012
Content-type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="No_Norm_AMLT_908_1210201201.txt.pgp"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
And then all the encrypted stuff.
Anyway... it's really strange, there's something I don't get. If I download the attachment from a normal mail client software (i.e. Thunderbird) I get a .pgp file that seems binary (strange characters appears if I edit it with a plain text editor) and I can decrypt it using the bash command:
gpg --decrypt No_Norm_AMLT_908_1210201201.txt.pgp
I don't know how to get the same result (the file decrypted) using email.Message class and gnupg, I tried to save the payload of the attachment to a file, and this is different from the downloaded from Thunderbird one, I can't decrypt it, I tried also to put it into a StringIO, and also encoding it with base64.
The message I get from gpg is:
gpg: decrypt_message failed: eof
Thank you!