I know, there're already a lot of RegExp based solutions, however I couldn't find one that fits to my needs.
I've the following function to get the parts of an URL, but I also need the file extension.
var getPathParts = function(url) {
var m = url.match(/(.*)[\/\\]([^\/\\]+)\.\w+$/);
return {
path: m[1],
file: m[2]
var url = 'path/to/myfile.ext';
getPathParts(url); // Object {path: "path/to", file: "myfile"}
I'm not very familiar with regex, maybe you can extend this given regexp, to get the file-extension too?
Best way would, if the 3rd (4th) value the file extension contains. E.g.:
return {
path: m[1],
file: m[2],
ext: m[3]