public SomeEntity Read(int primaryKey)
SomeEntity myEntity;
using (var context = new MyEntities2())
context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;//This line is wacky
myEntity = context.SomeEntities.SingleOrDefault(ct => ct.PrimaryKey == primaryKey);
if (myEntity == null)
return myEntity;
//Force eager Load...
var bypassDeferredExecution = myEntity.RelatedTable1.ToList();
var bypassDeferredExecution2 = myEntity.RelatedTable2.ToList();
return myEntity;
If I set LazyLoadingEnabled = false
then myEntity.RelatedTable1.Count == 0.
Leave at the default LazyLoadingEnabled = true
then myEntity.RelatedTable1.Count == 2.
My understanding is that Lazy Loading and Eager Loading are polar opposites. I forced eager loading. I expect my related table (a cross reference table) to have 2 results whether or not I use lazy loading. So in my mind these results make no sense.
Why does lazy loading impact my results?
You have to use Include
to eagerly load related entities:
myEntity = context.SomeEntities
.SingleOrDefault(ct => ct.PrimaryKey == primaryKey);
Setting Lazy Loading to false won't cause it happen automatically.
If you are using lazy loading, then there needs to be a LINQ to Entities Include
method call to identify the (foreign keyed) tables to eagerly load.
Navigation property isn't query, it's enumerable collection. You have 2 ways to get it from DB:
- Lazy loading (will be loaded on the first access to property)
- Eager loading (will be loaded after executing main query if you add Include({propertyName}
So, if you turned off lazy loading and don't add Include
methods to the query each navigation property will be empty (empty collection or null value for single entities)
The following code should work for your case:
myEntity = context.SomeEntities
.SingleOrDefault(ct => ct.PrimaryKey == primaryKey);
Lazy loading defers the initialization of an object until it is needed. In this case it will automatically execute a query to the DB to load the object requested.
Eager loading loads a specific set of related objects along with the objects that were explicitly requested in the query.
So in order to use Eager Loading you need to specify the related objects that you want to load.
In EF you can achieve this using the method Include
from ObjectQuery