How to properly add strings to QListWidgets?

2019-07-12 16:23发布


In the following code the method exec(const char *cmd) runs a bash script and returns the output as a vector of strings. The intent is to create a QListWidgetItem out of each of those strings and add them to a QListWidget on a little GUI that I have created, but the QListWidgetItems are not created successfully. I always seem to be required to use a const char* to create either a QString or QListWidgetItem, it will not allow me to create one using a string variable.

You can see what I am going for in the line: QString nextLine = txtVcr.back(); There is an exception thrown here, it wants QString set to a const char*, for example QString nextLine = "Hello, World!";

How do I go about getting the strings from my vector and creating QListWidgetItems out of them to add to my QListWidget?

In C# everything was rather direct in that I could add strings or whatever else to any container/widget. Is there an intermediate step that I am overlooking with these "QWidgets"? Perhaps I should be casting to "Q" types?

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    vector<string> exec(const char *cmd);
    vector<string> txtVcr = exec("/home/rhurac/");

    while (!txtVcr.empty())
        QString nextLine = txtVcr.back();
        ui->uxListWidget->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(nextLine, ui->uxListWidget));


Simply don't use QListWidgets and other QxyzWidget classes. They are depricated, and left in Qt for compatibility with old code (Qt3 basically).

Use QListView and QStringListModel for your use-case. E.g.

QListView *lv = new QListView();
QStringListModel m;
QStringList data = QStringList()<<"AAA"<<"BBB"<<"CCC";

P.S.: Sorry, it doesn't answer your question directly. But unless you have to support legacy code, don't touch QListWidgets!


To get a QStringList from a std::vector<std::string>, you'll need to use QString::fromStdString on all the elements. For example:

#include <QStringList>

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

QStringList convert(const std::vector<std::string>& v)
    using std::begin;
    using std::end;
    QStringList l;
    std::transform(begin(v), end(v), std::back_inserter(l),
    return l;

Then you can populate a QStringListModel feeding a QListView, as suggested in other answer.