I get the following error:
g++: error: CreateProcess no such file or directory
whenever I try to compile a program. I have installed the MinGw 7.2 version at work on a windows machine and the problem does not occur, however after installing Windows SP3 on my home computer I get this error and I just can't figure it out since I have set all the environment variables properly. I even tried setting the path to C:\MinGw\libexec\gcc\i686-mingw32\4.6.1
where cc1plus.exe and cc1.exe are located but still no luck.If i type this at the command line:
_assoc .cpp=cpls
_ftype cpls=g++ "%1" %*
it seemse to compile since I get compile time errors for the C++11 keywords which aren't recognized without the -std=c++0x switch. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.