Can some one please help me with how to create end date from start date.
Products referred to a company for testing while the product with the company they carry out multiple tests on different dates and record the test date to establish the product condition i.e. (outcomeID). I need to establish the StartDate which is the testDate and EndDate which is the start date of the next row. But if multiple consecutive tests resulted in the same OutcomeID I need to return only one row with the StartDate of the first test and the end date of the last test. In another word if the outcomeID did not change over a few consecutive tests. Here is my data set
RequestID int not null,
ProductID int not null,
TestID int not null,
TestDate datetime null,
OutcomeID int
insert into @ProductTests
(RequestID ,ProductID ,TestID ,TestDate ,OutcomeID )
select 1,2,22,'2005-01-21',10
union all
select 1,2,42,'2007-03-17',10
union all
select 1,2,45,'2010-12-25',10
union all
select 1,2,325,'2011-01-14',13
union all
select 1,2,895,'2011-08-10',15
union all
select 1,2,111,'2011-12-23',15
union all
select 1,2,636,'2012-05-02',10
union all
select 1,2,554,'2012-11-08',17
--select *from @producttests
RequestID ProductID TestID TestDate OutcomeID
1 2 22 2005-01-21 10
1 2 42 2007-03-17 10
1 2 45 2010-12-25 10
1 2 325 2011-01-14 13
1 2 895 2011-08-10 15
1 2 111 2011-12-23 15
1 2 636 2012-05-02 10
1 2 554 2012-11-08 17
And this is what I need to achieve.
RequestID ProductID StartDate EndDate OutcomeID
1 2 2005-01-21 2011-01-14 10
1 2 2011-01-14 2011-08-10 13
1 2 2011-08-10 2012-05-02 15
1 2 2012-05-02 2012-11-08 10
1 2 2012-11-08 NULL 17
As you see from the dataset the first three tests (22, 42, and 45) all resulted in OutcomeID 10 so in my result I only need start date of test 22 and end date of test 45 which is the start date of test 325.As you see in test 636 outcomeID has gone back to 10 from 15 so it needs to be returned too.
--This is what I have managed to achieve at the moment using the following script
select T1.RequestID,T1.ProductID,T1.TestDate AS StartDate
,MIN(T2.TestDate) AS EndDate ,T1.OutcomeID
from @producttests T1
left join @ProductTests T2 ON T1.RequestID=T2.RequestID
and T1.ProductID=T2.ProductID and T2.TestDate>T1.TestDate
group by T1.RequestID,T1.ProductID ,T1.OutcomeID,T1.TestDate
order by T1.TestDate
RequestID ProductID StartDate EndDate OutcomeID
1 2 2005-01-21 2007-03-17 10
1 2 2007-03-17 2010-12-25 10
1 2 2010-12-25 2011-01-14 10
1 2 2011-01-14 2011-08-10 13
1 2 2011-08-10 2011-12-23 15
1 2 2011-12-23 2012-05-02 15
1 2 2012-05-02 2012-11-08 10
1 2 2012-11-08 NULL 17