As I need to implement a sort of image processing program in python I also wanted to implement the laplace filter. I used the matrix
-1 -1 -1
-1 8 -1
-1 -1 -1
and implemented the following code:
for row in range(1, (len(self._dataIn) - 1)):
for col in range(1, (len(self._dataIn[row])- 1)):
value = (- int(self._dataIn[row - 1][col -1][0])
- int(self._dataIn[row - 1][col][0])
- int(self._dataIn[row - 1][col + 1][0])
- int(self._dataIn[row][col -1][0]) +
(8 * int(self._dataIn[row][col][0]))
- int(self._dataIn[row][col +1][0])
- int(self._dataIn[row + 1][col -1][0])
- int(self._dataIn[row + 1][col][0])
- int(self._dataIn[row + 1][col +1][0]))
self._dataIn[row][col][0] = np.minimum(255, np.maximum(0, value))
self._dataIn[row][col][1] = np.minimum(255, np.maximum(0, value))
self._dataIn[row][col][2] = np.minimum(255, np.maximum(0, value))
self._dataIn is the image array. In another method I converted the image to
and after processing the filter method, I reconvert the image using
But when I start the program, it returns a strange result:
I already have changed my code lots of time but can't figure out, what I'm doing wrong. Is there something wrong with my implementation? Or do I misunderstand the filter?
Thank you in advance!