
Can't get Python IDLE to recognize OGR/GDAL Mo

2019-07-12 03:12发布



Just getting started using OGR and Python for a variety of geospatial tasks. I'm working outside of OSGEO4w, and have installed GDAL w/ Python Bindings as well as Python v. 2.7.8 on my machine.

That said, I can run python and import gdal from a command-line interface but am unable to import the module when I use the IDLE environment. It returns an error telling me that the module doesn't exist. My install must be sound given that it works in the cmd prompt, so what's the deal?

This is all new to me, I'd appreciate any help or advice ya'll can impart; all previous questions I've read were concerned w/ merely installing (which I've done successfully) and getting Python to recognize the module from the command prompt, which it does.





You can open IDLE with your python installation from the cmd line through:

>>>from idlelib import PyShell  

This should open IDLE from your current python, and you should be able then to import gdal and ogr from there.

Alternatively, you should have a windows batch file here C:\YOURPYTHONPATH\Lib\idlelib\idle.bat

Running this should achieve the same.



Consider creating the following batch where PyInst references the Python installation folder from which IDLE is launched (i.e. idle.bat) and QgisInst references the folder containing "bin\o4w_env.bat":

@echo off
set PyInst=C:\Python27
set QgisInst="C:\Program Files\QGIS Brighton"

call %QgisInst%\bin\o4w_env.bat
set PYTHONPATH=%PyInst%\DLLs;%PyInst%\Lib;%PyInst%\Lib\lib-tk
set TCL_LIBRARY=%PyInst%\tcl\tcl8.5
python %PyInst%\Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw