I'm trying to use PowerShell to call some F# code which uses Akka.Net actors.
The F# code works fine in unit testing and when run from the F# interpreter, but when I call the same code from a PowerShell cmdlet I get the following exception:
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Nessos.FsPickler.BinarySerializer..ctor(Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1<Boolean>,
at Akka.FSharp.Serialization.ExprSerializer..ctor(ExtendedActorSystem system)
at Akka.FSharp.Serialization.exprSerializationSupport(ActorSystem system)
at Namespace.NewActorCmdlet..ctor(Host hostA, Host hostB, Boolean option, UserDetails user) in
E:\Projects\Namespace\NewActorCommand.fs:line 24
at Namespace.StartNewActorCommand.ProcessRecord() in
E:\Projects\Namespace\StartNewActor.fs:line 67
at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()
I tried running [Nessos.FsPickler.BinarySerializer]::new.OverloadDefinitions
in that PowerShell session to check what methods PS though was available and I get:
Nessos.FsPickler.BinarySerializer new(Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption[bool] forceLittleEndian, Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption[Nessos.FsPickler.ITypeNameConverter] typeConverter)
First thing I noticed was that the version shown by PowerShell takes an FSharpOption[bool] instead of FSharpOption[Boolean]. I tried modifying the Akka.FSharp code to explcitly pass an Option, but that didn't seem to help.
I'm using FSharp.Core (other links suggested 3.0 had problems).
Has anyone seen anything similar?
Even suggestions about where to look for the problem would be helpful, I'm not sure if the issue is with PowerShell, F# or Akka.Net.