I have created a app in iTunesConnect and it has been in the "prepare for submission" state for more than 3 days. When I try to archive my app, and submit it to the app store it, displays this message:
No suitable records were found. verify your bundle identifier is correct
Now only I find the Error. I used one capital letter in bundle id. but I have used small letters in xcode's bundle id. now I changed that as like in the app id. and now I successfuly uploaded my app to iTunes Connect. Thanks for your Support.
Just check that app you configured on iTuneconnect is having same bundle identifier that you are using to upload app.
generally this happens when you have not created your app from apple developer account->iTunes Connect->Click on My App->click on plus sign (+)->New App->And fill up the whole info and Choose Your Bundle Id for the app you are uploading now.
If you use Application Loader, then check if you are logged to the correct account. It was my case and it can happen if you manage account for various clients.
I believe you can found the answer here Xcode 5 - "No application records were found" when trying to Validate an Archive from @Bamsworld.
As you already mentioned and as per the documentation - App Distribution Guide
Important: You can’t validate your app unless the app record in iTunes Connect is in the “Waiting for Upload” or later state
After you add a new app in iTunes connect there will be an amber light along with its status. It will most likely read "Prepare For Upload". To get it to the "Waiting For Upload" state click view details for the app and in the top right there should be a blue button that says "Ready to Upload Binary". Click this and follow the given directions.
Chek your app ID in the Apple Developer Center. Then, use exactly the same name in Bundler Identifier.
Firstly, check that you're using the same accounts in both Application Loaded (or XCode) and iTunes connect. Secondly, check that Bundle Id in error message and in iTunes connect are match, including tHe cAsE!
In my case I got it worked with opening the Application Loader inside the XCode.
Steps : XCode -> Open Developer tool -> Application Loader
When I opened it with Launchpad it failed to identify the correct account for the app. Therefore, it asked me to create an account.
With XCode , Application Loader could list down the accounts I'm entitled for. You have to select the correct account from the drop down.
Make sure you follow these steps in order:
Generate the App ID at https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/identifier/bundle
Generate your app from iTunes Connect selecting the Bundle ID created in step one
Upload the IPA from Application Loader or XCode
In my case the app was already set up, but the app version was already in use (waiting for review), I just needed to increase the version number.
if your bundle id carried a capital letter and you've changed it to a lower case letter, you must run the application in the simulator before attempting to archive and upload to app store connect (this was the issue and solution for me).
For me, what fixed it was to enter the required details in App Store Connect -> TestFlight -> Test Information.
Once I'd done that it seemed that Xcode realised there was a new app to allow uploading to and succeeded.
(Also check your caps in your Bundle ID though.