I have the following top-level (“parent-most”) actor:
// Groovy pseudo-code
class Master extends UntypedActor {
ActorRef child1
ActorRef child2
ActorRef child3
ActorRef backup
void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {
if(message instanceof Terminated) {
Terminated terminated = message as Terminated
if(terminated.actor != backup) {
terminated.actor = backup
} else {
// TODO: What to do here? How to escalate from here?
} else {
child1.tell(new DoSomething(message), getSelf())
child2.tell(new DoSomethingElse(message), getSelf())
child3.tell(new DoSomethingElser(message, getSelf())
SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() {
new OneForOneStrategy(10, Duration.minutes(“1 minute”, new Future<Throwable, SupervisorStrategy.Directive> {
Directive apply(Throwable t) throws Exception {
if(isRecoverable(t) { // Don’t worry about how/where this is defined or how it works
} else {
As you can see, it supervises three children, and when those 3 children throw “recoverable” exceptions, they are stopped and are replaced with a backup. So far, so good.
The problem I’m now facing is that if the backup actors throws any throwable whatsoever, I want to consider this Master
actor (and really, my app in general) to be in a state where it cannot continue processing any input, and to escalate the exception to the guardian-level.
I’m brand new to Akka and not sure where to put this code, and what it should look like. Again, I just need logic that says:
- If the backup actor throws any throwable, escalate the exception to the
’s parent, which should really be an Akka “guaradian” actor/construct
The first part of this is that we need to know when an exception is thrown from the backup; I can handle this part, so let’s pretend our strategy now looks like this:
SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() {
new OneForOneStrategy(10, Duration.minutes(“1 minute”, new Future<Throwable, SupervisorStrategy.Directive> {
Directive apply(Throwable t) throws Exception {
if(wasThrownFromBackup(t)) {
} else if(isRecoverable(t) {
} else {
But as you can see, I’m still struggling to implement the escalation “out of the actor system”. Ideas? Java code example greatly preferred as Scala looks like hieroglyphics to me.