
window.showModalDialog Page Load not being execute

2019-07-12 00:55发布


I am actually loading a page as a modal dialog box as window.showModalDialog("url.aspx"). The first time the modal dialog is poped up the page load event gets called. When i close it and call the same again, the Control does not come to the PageLoad. Instead the page pops up with the previous values in all its controls.

I actually want the PageLoad to be triggered everytime the modal dialog pops up.


ok....you do know showModalDialog is an proprietary IE only feature? As long as you are aware of this then I think you may need to add a unique querystring value to the url that you are using to avoid ie showing the cached version. So generate a random number and append it to the url e.g url.aspx?rnd=12237827348273. This should bust the cache and make a fresh request


Apply following directive in the InPage of the form:

<%@ OutputCache Location="None" %>


Firefox 3 supports https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.showModalDialog