I'm trying to use a form within a component in Angular 1.5
I have the form working, in that I have model binding and can get to the data on submit. So I'm 90% of where I want to be, what's missing is being able to reset the form correctly using $setPristine.
I've attempted a couple of approaches the first was passing in the form as an argument to the reset function.
<form name="$ctrl.userForm">
<input class="btn btn-default" type="button" ng-click="$ctrl.reset($ctrl.userForm)" value="Reset" />
ctrl.reset = function(userForm) {
ctrl.user = {};
userForm.$setPristine // Cannot read property '$setPristine' of undefined
Full code in Plnkr
I also tried declaring $ctrl.userForm as an empty object $onInit, but that didn't seem to work either. With the $setPristine line removed the reset works in clearing the forms data but not it's state from an angular perspective.
Any ideas on what I'm missing?