I'm trying to set up hadoop on my amazon instances, on a 2 node cluster. Each instance has a public dns, which I use reference them. So in the /etc/hosts files on both machines I append lines like this:
{public dns of 1st instance} node1
{public dns of 2st instance} node2
I'm also able to ssh into each instance from the other by simply doing:
ssh {public dns of the other instance}
In the the hadoop/conf/slaves on the first instance file I have:
When I start the script bin/start-dfs.sh It's able to start the namenode, datanode, and secondary namenode on the master, but it says:
node2: ssh: Could not resolve hostname node2: Name or service not known
The same it printed out if I try:
ssh node2
I guess the question is how do I tell it to associate node2 with the public dns of the second instance. Is it not enough to append the
{public dns of 2st instance} node2
line to the /etc/hosts file? Do I have to reboot the instances?