We are running multi GPU jobs on Tensorflow and evaluating a migration from the queue based model (using the string_input_producer interface) to the new Tensorflow Dataset API. The latter appears to offer an easier way to switch between Train and Validation, concurrently.
A snippet of code below shows how we are doing this.
train_dataset, train_iterator = get_dataset(train_files, batch_size, epochs)
val_dataset, val_iterator = get_dataset(val_files, batch_size, epochs)
is_validating = tf.placeholder(dtype=bool, shape=())
next_batch = tf.cond(is_validating,
lambda: val_iterator.get_next(),
lambda: train_iterator.get_next())
validation_tower = self.num_gpus - 1
tower_grads = []
for i in range(self.num_gpus):
with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(),reuse=(i > 0)):
with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % i), tf.name_scope('%s_%d' % ('gpu_', i)) as scope:
if i == validation_tower:
images, labels = next_batch
# Loss funcs snipped out
images, labels = next_batch
# Loss funcs snipped out
The get_dataset function builds a dataset, sets a map function and a batch size. It also builds an iterator, but doesn't initialize it. Initialization of the iterator occurs before the session starts.
The is_validating boolean is supplied while the session is running, and every few steps we pass is_validating as True via a feed_dict to use the validation dataset
The question I have is:
Lets say I have 8 gpus, so we run training on 7 GPUs. Does the Iterator advance from the same point for each of these 7 GPUs, hence supplying all 7 GPU's with the same data?