In Scheme or Racket is it possible to detect the caller of a function?
For example, I can write a function to test if a list is a list of atoms as follows:
(define atom? (lambda (x) (and (not (pair? x)) (not (empty? x)))))
(define lat? (lambda (l)
(define latt?
(lambda (l)
((null? l) #t)
((atom? (car l)) (latt? (cdr l)))
(else #f))))
(if (null? l) #f (latt? l))))
but instead of the above, is there a function like "called-by" to do something like this:
(define lat?
(lambda (l)
((and (null? l) (called-by "lat?")) #t)
((atom? (car l)) (lat? (cdr l)))
(else #f))))