I am trying to call following function (asp.net web api core) from PostMan:
public InfluencerSearchResultWithFacets Post(string q, string group, List<string> subGroups)
return GetSearchResult("",null,null);
But I get following error:
A non-empty request body is required
I have setup PostMan like this:
I also tried adding to body:
So you can create a model like
public class Model
public string q { get; set; }
public string group { get; set; }
public List<string>subGroups { get; set; }
and use it
public InfluencerSearchResultWithFacets Post([FromBody] Model model)
return GetSearchResult("",null,null);
This is if you fit Json format.
Also you can leave some parameters in URL and other pass as a body like
public InfluencerSearchResultWithFacets Post([FromUri]string q, [FromUri]string group, [FromBody]List<string> subGroups)
return GetSearchResult("",null,null);