Possible Duplicate:
relative font-size of <sub> or <sup> and their descendants in IE
I'm usually well-versed in CSS but this issue surprised me...
I have some simple markup consisting of some text and a sub text:
<p>I am a main text<sub>This is a sub text</sub></p>
I have set the CSS so that by default, all elements get a font-size of 12px. However, for sub elements I am overruling this:
sub { color:#999; font-size:11px; }
Firefox respects the 11px, IE 8 does not, it renders it much smaller, but it does respect the color overrule. This is the last thing I would expect when setting a FIXED font size. I can assure that there are no other CSS rules conflicting with this.
If I increase the font-size in CSS to 12px, IE will render it at 11px, but then in Firefox it is too big. Something strange is going on with the SUB element in IE.
I do have a solution, if I use something else to mark the sub text, for example a h3, both Firefox and IE do render the font size correctly. If there is no better solution I will go for that direction, but I'm simply curious if there is a better solution? Also I like the way the markup currently looks.