I have an Azure Functions application which once in a while "freezes" and stops processing messages and timed events.
When this happens I do not see much in the logs (AppInsight), except for the following error message telling me "UnableToLoadExpressionAssembly":
timestamp [UTC]: 2018-02-13T09:18:19.609Z
message: UnableToLoadExpressionAssembly
severityLevel: 3
LogLevel: Error
prop__{OriginalFormat}: UnableToLoadExpressionAssembly
Category: Host.Startup
client_Type: PC
cloud_RoleName: (...)
cloud_RoleInstance: (...)
appId: (...)
appName: (...)
iKey: (...)
sdkVersion: azurefunctions: 1.0.11510.0
itemId: e5362c17-109e-11e8-93fc-0f54eb87135a
itemType: trace
itemCount: 1
What is going wrong here?