I am trying to parse double values from a single dimension String array. When I attempt to do this, the doubles always parse as 0.0, never as the correct value. Why is this the case?
Parser Method: (Ignore integer parser, this one works fine when given an integer)
NumReturn numberParser(int cIndex) { // current index of array where num is
NumReturn nri;
NumReturn nrd;
try {
nri = new NumReturn(Integer.parseInt(Lexer.token[cIndex]), cIndex++, 'i');
System.out.println(nri.value + " ");
return nri;
catch (NumberFormatException intExcep) {
try {
nrd = new NumReturn(Double.parseDouble((Lexer.token[cIndex])), cIndex++, 'd');
System.out.println(nrd.dvalue + " ");
return nrd;
catch (NumberFormatException doubExcep) {
return null;
NumReturn Class:
package jsmash;
public class NumReturn {
int value;
double dvalue;
int pointerLocation;
char type;
NumReturn(int value, int pointerLocation, char type) {
this.value = value;
this.pointerLocation = pointerLocation;
this.type = type;
NumReturn(double dvalue, int pointerLocation, char type) {
this.dvalue = value;
this.pointerLocation = pointerLocation;
this.type = type;
String array which I am trying to parse from:
static String[] token = new String[100];
token[0] = "129.4"; // I call my parser on this element of the array
token[1] = "+";
token[2] = "332.78"; // I call my parser on this element of the array