I want to create an RTSP player in Chrome PNaCl.
I have successfully built the ffmpeg naclport including the following networking flags in the build.sh file for the ffmpeg NaCl port.
--enable network --enable-protocols --enable-demuxer=rtsp --enable-demux=rtp --enable-demuxer=sdp --enable-decoder=h264
Furthermore, I have successfully coded and the linked the ffmpeg NaCl port in my own PNaCl module. I have included the following network permissions in the manifest.json file:
"permissions": [
"socket": [
Now once I run the following code, in PNaCl, the avformat_open_input(...) returns -5 or I/O Error:
AVFormatContext* formatContext = avformat_alloc_context();
const char * stream_path = "rtsp://";
int result = avformat_open_input(&formatContext, stream_path ,NULL,NULL);
if(result< 0){
PostMessage("input not opened, result: ");
PostMessage(std::string("input successfully opened"));
What am I possibly doing wrong, and why can't the PNaCl module access the RTSP stream?
PS. This is a similar question, but it gives no definitive answer.