How to get files changed/removed/added using libgi

2019-07-11 06:42发布


I have two dates - from and to. I have to find the files changed in the repository between that date difference and make a list of it. Here is a related question which gets the differece between trees.Get files modified/added/removed from a commit in LibGit2Sharp.


So lets assume you are trying to replicate:

git log --reverse --since "11/10/2015" --until="11/15/2015" --format="%cD %s"

Once you have a list of commits, ICommitLog, via all the repo's Commits, a filtered branch list, etc.. you can filter via Linq.

So create your commit list:

var repo = new Repository ("/Users/sushi/code/playscript/mono");
var filter = new CommitFilter {
    SortBy = CommitSortStrategies.Time | CommitSortStrategies.Reverse,
var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(filter);

Now with the ICommitLog commits object, apply a Linq filter on the commit objects. In this case I am using the committer's date and filtering the commits from 2 to 7 days from today, but remember there is also an Author date:

var since = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7));
var until = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2));
var filteredCommitLog = commitLog.Where(c => c.Committer.When > since && c.Committer.When < until);
foreach (Commit commit in filteredCommitLog)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", commit.Committer.When.ToLocalTime(), commit.MessageShort);


11/15/2015 5:32:36 AM -08:00 : [runtime] Fix Thread.CurrentThread in non-root appdomains by setting the tls slot in start_wrapper, otherwise Thread.CurrentThread would create a new Thread object so there would be two. Fixes #35828.
11/15/2015 12:00:30 AM -08:00 : Fix a warning.
11/10/2015 6:41:09 AM -08:00 : Merge pull request #2214 from kumpera/fix_enum_get_get_hashcode
11/10/2015 6:07:50 AM -08:00 : [Mono.Posix] Update incorrect test


I totally missed a part of this answer, the modified file list... :-/ (Need more coffee)

git log --name-status --reverse --since "11/10/2015" --until="11/15/2015" --format="%cD %s"


    var since = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7));
    var until = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2));
    var filteredCommitLog = commitLog.Where(c => c.Committer.When > since && c.Committer.When < until);
    foreach (Commit commit in filteredCommitLog)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", commit.Committer.When.ToLocalTime(), commit.MessageShort);
        foreach (var parent in commit.Parents) {
            foreach (TreeEntryChanges change in repo.Diff.Compare<TreeChanges>(parent.Tree, commit.Tree)) {
                Console.WriteLine ("\t{0} :\t{1}", change.Status, change.OldPath);

Output example:

11/11/2015 8:09:41 AM -08:00 : Crashing test in mono_class_init() from a MonoGenericClass.
    Modified :  mcs/class/corlib/Test/System.Reflection/MonoGenericClassTest.cs
11/11/2015 8:12:03 AM -08:00 : [runtime] mono_class_init() - don't look for metadata if the dynamic image doesn't have it.
    Modified :  mono/metadata/class.c
11/11/2015 9:05:07 AM -08:00 : Merge pull request #2217 from rcruzs00/master
    Modified :  mcs/tools/macpack/LOADER
11/11/2015 11:26:25 AM -08:00 : Merge pull request #2198 from BrzVlad/feature-concurrent-work
    Modified :  mono/sgen/sgen-conf.h
    Modified :  mono/sgen/sgen-gc.c
    Modified :  mono/sgen/sgen-memory-governor.c
    Modified :  mono/sgen/sgen-workers.c
    Modified :  mono/sgen/sgen-workers.h
    Modified :  acceptance-tests/.gitignore
    Added : acceptance-tests/GCStressTests/AssemblyExtensions.cs
    Added : acceptance-tests/GCStressTests/AssemblyLoadContext.cs
    Modified :  acceptance-tests/
    Modified :  acceptance-tests/SUBMODULES.json
    Modified :  acceptance-tests/

To skip the log and get only the file list within the filtered commit list:

 git log --name-status --since "11/10/2015" --until="11/15/2015" --format=""


foreach (TreeEntryChanges change in repo.Diff.Compare<TreeChanges>(filteredCommitLog.First().Tree, filteredCommitLog.Last().Tree)) {
    Console.WriteLine ("\t{0}\t:\t{1}", change.Status, change.OldPath);

Example Output:

Modified    :   acceptance-tests/
Modified    :   acceptance-tests/SUBMODULES.json
Modified    :   external/referencesource
Modified    :   mcs/class/Facades/Makefile
Modified    :   mcs/class/Mono.Cairo/Mono.Cairo/Context.cs
Modified    :   mcs/class/Mono.Security/Mono.Security.Interface/CertificateValidationHelper.cs
Modified    :   mcs/class/Mono.Security/Mono.Security.Interface/MonoTlsProvider.cs
Modified    :   mcs/class/System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow/Test/System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow/ActionBlockTest.cs
Modified    :   mcs/class/System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow/Test/System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow/BatchBlockTest.cs
Modified    :   mcs/class/System.Threading.Tasks.Data


I did take a different approach to solve this later.

using(var repo = new Repository("c:\\_Temp\\Repo"))
 List<string> shalist = new List<string>();
 foreach(Commit c in repo.Commits)
  DateTime since = DateTime.Parse("10/29/2015 12:00:00 AM");
  DateTime untill= c.Author.When.Date;

  if(untill >= since)

  Tree cmTree1 = repo.Lookup<Commit>(shalist.First()).Tree;  
  Tree cmTree2 = repo.Lookup<Commit>(shalist.Last()).Tree;

  var patch = repo.Diff.Compare<patch>(cmTree1, cmTree2);

  foreach(var ptc in patch)

This will display all the files changed in the date range since - untill