Find what other projects use this project as a mav

2019-07-11 06:54发布


We use Artifactory to store our maven generated java artifacts. We have many interrelated projects that depend on each other. Is it possible with maven or with Artifactory to look pick a single artifact and look for all projects that have that as a dependency?

In the example below, I want to find what projects use artifact1 v1.0.0. I would like to be able to use maven/Artifactory to find the fact that artifact2 depends on this version of the dependency, but not find artifact3/4 which don't. Ideally it would also be nice to find artifact2 if I was just looking for uses of artifact1 regardless of version.









This is pretty much one of the main reasons why you would use Artifactory in the first place. Artifactory provides a very extensive search capability in the form of its AQL, which does exactly what you're asking for.

As an example for your case running something like:


will return all builds that had Artifact1 as a dependency (you can also add an "$and" clause to limit this to a specific version of Arifact1), the include at the end will return all artifacts that were part of the module that had Artifact1 as a dependency (so that's where you will see Artifact2 in your case)

Here is an example output I got when running this query on a simple maven build called multi-module-build that had several modules where one of them (multi3) had a dependency called multi1:

"results" : [ {
    "build.created" : "2016-03-10T09:08:51.283+02:00",
    "build.created_by" : "admin",
    "" : "multi-module-build",
    "build.number" : "10",
    "build.url" : "http://localhost:9090/jenkins/job/multi-shmulti/10/",
    "modules" : [ {
    "artifacts" : [ {
            "" : "multi3-3.6-SNAPSHOT.war"
        }, {
            "" : "multi3-3.6-SNAPSHOT.pom"
        } ]
    } ]
 } ]