I have a text file that contains Persian words and the file is saved using ANSI encoding. when I try to read the Persian words from the text file, I get some characters like '?'. In order to solve the problem, I wrote a method that change the file encoding to UTF8 and re-write the text file. the method:
public void Convert2UTF8(string filePath)
//first, read the text file with "ANSI" endocing
StreamReader fileStream = new StreamReader(filePath, Encoding.Default);
string fileContent = fileStream.ReadToEnd();
//Now change the file encoding and replace it with the UTF8
StreamWriter utf8Writer = new StreamWriter(filePath.Replace(".txt", ".txt"), false, Encoding.UTF8);
Now the first problem is solved; However, the main issue is in here: I want to insert the words into a table in SQL server database. I do this, but every time that I want to search a Persian word from the database table, the result is null while the record does exist in database table. What`s the solution to find my Persian words that exist in table. The code that I currently use is simply like:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[WordDirectory]
WHERE Word = N'کلمه'
'Word' is the field that Persian words are saved in. The type of the field is NVARCHAR. My SQL server version is 2012. Should I change the collation or something?