I have a menu that all items appear for all users and I want to hide/show specific items to specific ROLE users in symfony2.
For example, I have
<ul class="navigation">
<li><a href="{{ path('homepage') }}">{{ 'menu.home'|trans }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ path('guest') }}">{{ 'menu.articles'|trans }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ path('category') }}">{{ 'menu.categories'|trans }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ path('user') }}">{{ 'menu.users'|trans }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ path('logout') }}">{{ 'menu.logout'|trans }}</a></li>
Now Logout appears to all users, even If they are not logged in. How can I make twig check whether a user is authenticated or not and then choose
<li><a href="{{ path('login') }}">{{ 'menu.login'|trans }}</a></li>