I want the user to be able to choose what order results are displayed e.g. by age), and I don't want to sort them after getting them from the database.
Obviously if the user is able to specify input that affects SQL commands, it needs to be sanitised, and I would normally use parameterisation, but pysqlite seems to ignore parameters for anything except values.
Example code is below showing parameterisation not working for ORDER BY
, and also a workaround using string formatting, but that is vulnerable to SQL injection.
What is the recommended solution to allow user input to affect sort order without exposing SQLi vulnerabilities? Do I have to use string formatting and check every user input manually?
#!/user/bin/env python3
import sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('CREATE TABLE test (name, age)')
cur.execute('INSERT INTO test VALUES (:name, :age)', {'name': 'Aaron', 'age': 75})
cur.execute('INSERT INTO test VALUES (:name, :age)', {'name': 'Zebedee', 'age': 5})
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY age ASC')
results = cur.fetchall()
print('\nGood, but hard coded:\n', results)
# Good, but hard coded:
# [('Zebedee', 5), ('Aaron', 75)]
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY :order_by ASC', {'order_by': 'age'})
results = cur.fetchall()
print('\norder_by parameter ignored:\n', results)
# order_by parameter ignored:
# [('Aaron', 75), ('Zebedee', 5)]
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY {order_by} ASC'.format(order_by='age'))
results = cur.fetchall()
print('\nRight order, but vulnerable to SQL injection:\n', results)
# Right order, but vulnerable to SQL injection:
# [('Zebedee', 5), ('Aaron', 75)]