In SQL Server, MIN and MAX can act on text that doesn't evaluate to numbers, returning the text item with the lowest or highest text sort order, or as it's known in SQL Server-speak, "collation order".
Is it possible to do that in Excel without going to a UDF that actually sorts?
For example, for MIN("bb","aa","cc") to return "aa", and MAX("bb","cc","aa") to return "cc".
Excel's MIN/MAX ignore text, and although MINA/MAXA can work on text, they break on text that doesn't resolve to a number. LARGE/SMALL don't do it either.
FWIW, a coworker asked me how to do this in a pivot. I don't see a way without going to a custom function. Am I wrong?
This array formula looks promising. since it is an array it needs to be entered with ctrl-shift-enter.
Change the three ranges to what you want.
I believe you are correct, a custom function is best. The good thing to note is the normal comparator operators work similarly as you described.
Public Function MinStr(ByVal strVal As Range) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim cell As Range
MinStr = ""
'Check to make sure the range is not empty
if strVal.Rows.Count > 0 then
'Initialize MinStr to a known value
MinStr = strVal.cells(1,1).Value
'Iterate through the entire range
For Each cell in strVal.Cells
if(MinStr > cell.Value) then
MinStr = cell.Value
end if
Next cell
end if
End Function
Public Function MaxStr(ByVal strVal As Range) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim cell As Range
MaxStr = ""
'Check to make sure the range is not empty
if strVal.Rows.Count > 0 then
'Initialize MaxStr to a known value
MaxStr = strVal.cells(1,1).Value
'Iterate through the entire range
For Each cell in strVal.Cells
if(MaxStr < cell.Value) then
MaxStr = cell.Value
end if
Next cell
end if
End Function