This question already has an answer here:
- PInvoke struct with array of unspecified length 2 answers
I am trying to write a high level libspotify wrapper based on a modified ( As is just a thin (and completely bugged ... ) pinvoke layer, it does not handle the utf8 encoding libspotify uses.
My idea was to convert the string to a byte[] and change the signatures appropriately.
I have this native struct:
typedef struct sp_session_config {
int api_version;
const char *cache_location;
const char *settings_location;
const void *application_key;
size_t application_key_size;
const char *user_agent;
const sp_session_callbacks *callbacks;
void *userdata;
bool compress_playlists;
bool dont_save_metadata_for_playlists;
bool initially_unload_playlists;
const char *device_id;
const char *proxy;
const char *proxy_username;
const char *proxy_password;
const char *ca_certs_filename;
const char *tracefile;
} sp_session_config;
Working version:
public static extern sp_error sp_session_create(ref sp_session_config config, out sp_session sessionPtr);
public struct sp_session_config
public int api_version;
public IntPtr cache_location;
public IntPtr settings_location;
public IntPtr application_key;
public uint application_key_size;
public IntPtr user_agent;
public IntPtr callbacks;
public IntPtr userdata;
public bool compress_playlists;
public bool dont_save_metadata_for_playlists;
public bool initially_unload_playlists;
public IntPtr device_id;
public IntPtr proxy;
public IntPtr proxy_username;
public IntPtr proxy_password;
public IntPtr ca_certs_filename;
public IntPtr tracefile;
This version puts the work on the developer using the library.
My version:
public struct sp_session_config_internal
public int api_version;
public byte[] cache_location;
public byte[] settings_location;
public byte[] application_key;
public uint application_key_size;
public byte[] user_agent;
public IntPtr callbacks;
public IntPtr userdata;
public bool compress_playlists;
public bool dont_save_metadata_for_playlists;
public bool initially_unload_playlists;
public byte[] device_id;
public byte[] proxy;
public byte[] proxy_username;
public byte[] proxy_password;
public byte[] ca_certs_filename;
public byte[] tracefile;
[DllImport("libspotify", EntryPoint="sp_session_create")]
private static extern sp_error sp_session_create_internal(ref sp_session_config_internal config, out sp_session sessionPtr);
public static sp_error sp_session_create(ref sp_session_config config, out sp_session sessionPtr)
sp_session_config_internal config_internal = new sp_session_config_internal();
config_internal.api_version = config.api_version;
config_internal.application_key = config.application_key;
config_internal.application_key_size = (uint)config.application_key.Length;
config_internal.ca_certs_filename = SH.StringToUtf8Bytes( config.ca_certs_filename);
var err = sp_session_create_internal(ref config_internal, out session);
When running, this gives the following error inside libspotify: Access violation reading location 0x000001c0 I googled and read somewhere that sometimes only the first array element gets copied. I tried decorating all arrays with
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.U1)]
That gave the exception "Cannot marshal field 'cache_location' of type 'sp_session_config_internal': Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Array fields must be paired with ByValArray or SafeArray)."
The complicated solution with IntPtr and manual marshalling works, the easier solution with byte arrays for utf8 strings gives a access violation when the library reads. Is there an easier way than manual marshalling with intptr?