I have the following example code in my learning app. The service does his job and pulls some data out of a page with json code generated by php, so far so good.
(function() {
'use strict';
.service('DashboardService', DashboardService);
DashboardService.$inject = ['$http'];
function DashboardService($http) {
this.getFormules = getFormules;
function getFormules(onReady, onError) {
var formJson = 'server/php/get-formules.php',
formURL = formJson + '?v=' + (new Date().getTime()); // Disables cash
onError = onError || function() { alert('Failure loading menu'); };
.then(onReady, onError);
Then i call the getFormules function in my controller and put all the data inside my $scope.formuleItems and test if everything succeeded and 'o no'... $scope.formuleItems = undefined!
- Strange because my view is showing data?
part of the controller:
dataLoader.getFormules(function (items){
$scope.formuleItems = items.data;
console.log('+++++++++++++++++', $scope.formuleItems); // gives undefined
The first thing i did was search around on stackoverflow to look if someone else had the same issue, and there was: Undefined variable inside controller function.
I know there are some walkarounds for this, i've done my own research, but something tells me that this (see example below) isn't the best way to solve this problem.
solution one: put $watch inside of the controller
$scope.$watch('formuleItems', function(checkValue) {
if (checkValue !== undefined) {
//put the code in here!
or even:
if($scope.formuleItems != null) {}
The rest of the controller is relying on $scope.formuleItems. Do i really have to put everything into that $watch
or if
? Can i fix this with a promise? I never did that before so some help would be appreciated.