I am looking for a way to read a folder and save each filename to a variable. So far this is what I have
Loop,C:\My Documents\Notes\*
In my notes directory I have pdf files. I want to read the directory and save the filename "Homework1.pdf" to a variable then move the file itself to another directory. On the next loop it will pick up the next pdf document "Test.pdf" etc. This should loop until every pdf has been moved.
I know I could use FileMove but the samples show that you have to provide the specific filename to move. How can I adjust this to move each pdf file one by one?
You can bypass creating a list to parse (assuming you don't need the variables for anything else) and use the built-in variables A_LoopFileFullPath
and A_LoopFileName
to accomplish this.
Loop, C:\My Documents\Notes\*.pdf
FileCopy, % A_LoopFileFullPath, C:\NewPath\%A_LoopFileName%
EDIT: Try this for a preview of your result
Loop, C:\My Documents\Notes\*.pdf
Msgbox % A_LoopFileFullPath "`nC:\NewPath\" A_LoopFileName
FileList =
Loop, C:\My Documents\Notes\*
FileList = %FileList%%A_LoopFileName%`n
Loop, parse, FileList, `n
FileMove, %A_LoopField%, C:\NewLocation
Original source: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/LoopFile.htm