How to upload any type of file to the server using

2019-07-10 07:10发布


I want to create a html form which can upload any type of file(to be specific image, pdf, doc and text files) to server. Is it possible using single function for this. If yes then how?


=> Try this code for upload any type of file ..


<li class="text">File Upload </li>
<li><input type="file" name="file" value="" class="input"  ></li>

try this to all file upload.. //PHP PAGE

  move_uploaded_file($temp,"upload/".$name);// set your folder name to store all file.


The html form with input type 'file' first uploads the file to a temporary path on the server, from this temporary path , we have to move it to a folder path on our server.

 <form action="uploads.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="imageform">
  <div class="ak"> Upload file :<input type="file"  name="imagech1" id="filess" class="filess" /></div>  
   <div id="trans1"></div>
<input type='submit' value='Submit'>

Try this for the server side 'uploads.php':

 $path = "img/uploads/";

 if(isset( $_FILES['imagech1']) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")
    {$name = $_FILES['imagech1']['name']; //recieves the file by the name of the input type'file'

$ext=strrchr( $name,".");//extension of the file

$allowed=array("(",")"," "); //allowed characters in the name
$name=str_replace($allowed,"_",$name);//replace unallowed with _
$actual_image_name = $name;
$tmp = $_FILES['imagech1']['tmp_name'];//assign temperory path of file to $tmp

                        if(move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path.$actual_image_name))

                                echo "file uploaded";
                            echo "failed";


            echo "Please upload file..!";