I am trying to improve my Idris skill by looking at some of the exercises Software Foundations (originally for Coq, but I am hoping the translation to Idris not too bad). I am having trouble with the "Exercise: 1 star (plus_id_exercise)" which reads:
Remove "Admitted." and fill in the proof.
Theorem plus_id_exercise : ∀ n m o : nat, n = m → m = o → n + m = m + o. Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
I have translated to the following problem in Idris:
plusIdExercise : (n : Nat) ->
(m : Nat) ->
(o : Nat) ->
(n == m) = True ->
(m == o) = True ->
(n + m == m + o) = True
I am trying to perform a case by case analysis and I am having a lot of issues. The first case:
plusIdExercise Z Z Z n_eq_m n_eq_o = Refl
seems to work, but then I want to say for instance:
plusIdExercise (S n) Z Z n_eq_m n_eq_o = absurd
But this doesn't work and gives:
When checking right hand side of plusIdExercise with expected type
S n + 0 == 0 + 0 = True
Type mismatch between
t -> a (Type of absurd)
False = True (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
\uv => t -> uv
(=) FalseUnification failure
I am trying to say this case can never happen because n == m, but Z (= m) is never the successor of any number (n). Is there anything I can do to fix this? Am I approaching this correctly? I am somewhat confused.