Background: I want to hook in business rules at the point that DTOs are being mapped to entities. I figured encapsulating the mapping into an extension method would be a good route.
IEntityDto is the interface that all DTOs that can be directly mapped to entities implement.
The single instance works fine:
public static TEntity MapTo<TEntity>(this IEntityDto dto)
... Run Business Rules that don't require db access ...
return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<TEntity>(dto);
I'd like to also extend ICollection the same way:
public static ICollection<TEntity> MapToCollection<TEntity>(this ICollection<IEntityDto> dtos)
... Run Business Rules that don't require db access ...
return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<ICollection<TEntity>>(dtos);
Unfortunately, MapToCollection does not show up on the context menu or compile when applied to an ICollection of IEntityDto.
What am I missing to get this to work? Do I need to just extend ICollection where T is IEntityDto? I'd prefer to not have to include the DTO type when calling the extension method.
public static ICollection<TEntity>MapToCollection<TDto,TEntity>(this ICollection<TDto> dtos) where TDto: IEntityDto
... Do Work and Return ...
The above works, but I was hoping to infer T from the collection.
You effectively need a method with a signature of
public static ICollection<TEntity> MapToCollection<TEntity, TEntityDto>(
this ICollection<TEntityDto> dtos)
where TEntityDto : IEntityDto
... but that would force you to specify both type arguments, which I understand you don't want to do.
What you can do instead is go in two hops, e.g.
public static class DtoExtensions
public static CollectionMapper<TEntityDto> Map(this ICollection<TEntityDto> dtos)
where TEntityDto : IEntityDto
return new CollectionMapper<TEntityDto>(dtos);
public class CollectionMapper<TEntityDto> where TEntityDto : IEntityDto
private readonly ICollection<TEntityDto> dtos;
public CollectionMapper(ICollection<TEntityDto> dtos)
this.dtos = dtos;
public ICollection<TEntity> To<TEntity>()
// Business rules...
return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<ICollection<TEntity>>(dtos);
You can now use:
var result = collection.Map().To<FooEntity>();
The Map
call infers TEntityDto
, and you specify TEntity
in the To
I am assuming this happens because the variable that you want to call this extension method on is not actually of type ICollection<IEntityDto>
but of type ICollection<MyEntityDto>
for example.
Try this:
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static ICollection<TEntity> MapToCollection<TEntity, TEntityDto>(
this ICollection<TEntityDto> dtos) where TEntityDto : IEntityDto
return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<ICollection<TEntity>>(dtos);
This method accepts a generic ICollection<TEntityDto>
instead of ICollection<IEntityDto>
which makes it work for cases like ICollection<MyEntityDto>
Here is how you would use it:
Collection<MyEntityDto> collection = ...
var result = collection.MapToCollection<MyEntity, MyEntityDto>();