How to update an app when ng cli and angular change version like now with ng cli 1.5 and angular 5 ?
My goal is to have an existing project with for instance angular 4 and ng cli 1.4,updated to angular 5 and the one scaffold built by ng cli. (I don't know in this case but also the scaffold have sometime changed so I want the brand new scaffold)
An alternative should be using meld.
I'm looking for a best way/practice because right now I'm following all of these steps.
By now I update if possible the node version with nvm so for instance
nvm install v9.0.0
nvm use v9.0.0
npm install -g @angular/cli
ng new myproject
overwrite the src and assets folders
copy files like
npm install
As you can see a lot of work and also error prone so I'm wondering if there is a smarter way to do the update.
The really problems are the external lib for instance for the OpaqueToken :(