I'm using DirectLineJS to comminucate from a custom webchat through a website. I'm using the format posted from Microsoft's github https://github.com/Microsoft/BotFramework-DirectLineJS
how I have it implemented is
var directLine;
directLine= new DirectLine.DirectLine({
secret: "My_DirectLine_Secret",
function sendReceiveActivity(msg) {
document.getElementById("inputtext").value = "";
conversation.innerHTML = conversation.innerHTML + "ME - " + msg + "<br/><br/>";
from: { id: 'myUserId', name: 'myUserName' }, // required (from.name is optional)
type: 'message',
text: msg
id => console.log("Posted activity, assigned ID ", id),
error => console.log("Error posting activity", error)
.filter(activity => activity.type === 'message' && activity.from.id === 'mybot')
message => console.log(message)"
whenever I start reading the messages the number of copies increase by one through each message back and forth so the my website will go through this cycle:
Me - send message to bot
BotReply - msg 1
Me - send some message to bot
BotReply - msg 2
BotReply - msg 2
Me - some message
BotReply - msg 3
BotReply - msg 3
BotReply - msg 3
and so on
the response ID I receive from the bot doesn't increase either for repeated messages so say msg 3 had ID = 00005, each of the BotReply - msg 3 has ID = 00005, but msg 4 would be ID = 00007
In my actual bot I send my messages by using await context.PostAsync("Some mesage");
and nothing else
what can I do to reduce the message replies to receive just one?
The documentation states "Direct Line will helpfully send your client a copy of every sent activity, so a common pattern is to filter incoming messages on from:" even though I am filtering my messages to be from "mybot"