I am trying to custom scoping, such that if I have something like function in my language that get parameters, I want that those parameters will be visible only until there is semicolon, and out of this scope, I want it to not be visible.
I tried redefine the method getScope() in the file MyDslScopeProvider.xtend
In getScope I did something like this:
if (EclassName=="TypedParam" && EFeatureName=="type" && contextType == "TypedParam"){
return Scopes.scopeFor(Collections.singleton(context),IScope.NULLSCOPE)
This is abviosly doesn't working (It doesn't recognize the parameters). How can I do it?
Moreover, I have another question: I tried implements methods like:
def IScope scope_<EClass name>_<EFeature name>(<context type> context, EReference)
Although I printed the names and I made sure I am writing the name correct, those method simply never called. (I copied what was printed from the following code)
class DomainmodelScopeProvider extends AbstractDomainmodelScopeProvider {
override def IScope getScope(EObject context, EReference reference)
System.out.println("scope_" + reference.getEContainingClass().getName()
+ "_" + reference.getName()
+ "(" + context.eClass().getName() + ", ..)"
return super.getScope(context,reference);
What am I doing wrong?