We use serializers to to validate the data coming into our non-model based service methods. This works great for POSTs as JSON of course but also for GETs generally if the content in the query_params is not complex (not lists or nested). However if I have something like this:
class RequestSerializer(Serializer):
objects = ListField(child=PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=Foo.objects.all()), allow_empty=False)
choice = ChoiceField(choices=my_choices)
and on the client I just use a GET like so:
type: "GET",
url: '...',
this works if I use POST instead of GET and set the contentType to "application/json" but this is not condoned by the HTTP spec. It would be nice to be able to handle the simple list use case without doing something like:
request_serializer = RequestSerializer(data={"objects" :request.query_params.getlist("objects[]")})
Is there some obvious serializer trick I am missing that tells the serializer how to fetch a list(objects=x&objects=y&objects=z) without manually calling request.getlist? What is everyone else doing for this, it seems like a common use case?
EDIT: I did find this post earlier but the accepted answer is using request.getlist which is not what I want.