The first thread is filling a collection continuously with objects. A second thread needs to iterate over these objects, but it will not change the collection.
Currently I use Collection.synchronized
for making it thread-safe, but is there a fast way to doing it?
It's simple: The first thread (ui) continuously writes the mouse position to the ArrayList, as long as the mousebutton is pressed down. The second thread (render) draws a line based on the list.
Even if you synchronize the list, it's not necessarily thread-safe while iterating over it, so make sure you synchronize on it:
synchronized(synchronizedList) {
for (Object o : synchronizedList) {
Here's a very clearly written article on the matter:
Use java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.ArrayBlockingQueue implementation of BlockingQueue. It perfectly suits your needs.
It is perfectly suited for producer-consumer cases as that is one in yours.
You can also configure access policy. Javadoc explains access policy like this:
Fair if true then queue accesses for threads blocked on insertion or removal, are processed in FIFO order; if false the access order is unspecified.
As mentioned in comments, you need explicit synchronization on this list, because iteration is not atomic:
List<?> list = // ...
Thread 1:
synchronized(list) {
Thread 2:
synchronized(list) {
for (Object o : list) {
// do actions on object
There are 3 options which I can currently think of to handle concurrency in ArrayList:-
Using Collections.synchronizedList(list) - currently you are using it.
CopyOnWriteArrayList - behaves much like ArrayList class, except that when the list is modified, instead of modifying the underlying array, a new array in created and the old array is discarded. It will be slower than 1.
Creating custom ArrayList class using ReentrantReadWriteLock. You can create a wrapper around ArrayList class. Use read lock when reading/iterating/looping and use write lock when adding elements in array.
For e.g:-
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
public class ReadWriteList<E> {
private final List<E> list;
private ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
private final Lock r =lock.readLock();
private final Lock w =lock.writeLock();
public ReadWriteList(List<E> list){
public boolean add(E e){
return list.add(e);
//Do the same for other modification methods
public E getElement(int index){
return list.get(index);
public List<E> getList(){
return list;
//Do the same for other read methods
If you're reading far more often than writing, you can use CopyOnWriteArrayList
Rather than a List
will a Set
suit your needs?
If so, you can use Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>())